
Popular Searches


Popular searches

Popular Searches is a list of medications that are located under the search bar on our homepage. All medications displayed are curated to each specific user based on factors including their age, gender, etc. For example, women would not see medications for ED and men would not see medications for birth control. Through data tracking, we were able to conclude that the popular search buttons were leading to more coupon claims. We believe this is because users prefer to tap/click on their prescriptions rather than type them in.


Problem with original designs

  • Medication names do not give a clear indication as to what type of problem they are for including allergies, high cholesterol, anxiety, etc.

  • Medication names do not indicate what form they are in. For example, medications can come in pills, lotions, gels, etc.

  • Medication names are difficult to read with no hierarchy or organization.


To categorize the medication not only by type (allergies, high cholesterol, anxiety, etc) but also to indicate what form it is (tablet, solution, lotion, etc). We had a hypothesis that if the popular search section has a more optimal reading experience it would result in more clicks which would lead to more claims.



When creating wireframes we wanted to ensure that we were addressing the above solutions in addition to seeing what an updated header would look like on the homepage for both mobile web and desktop.